Wednesday, October 12, 2011

whoops...I said the V word

I must admit I am a bit nervous to write this post as I know I will get slack for it- oh well.

I've noticed a bit of backlash in the wedding community because of the overabundance of "vintage" weddings. Where people used to ooh and ahh at the novelty of mismatched china, the affordability of mason jar centerpieces, and amazing DIY details, there are now cries for the "regular everyday brides" to unite and show more "real" weddings that are more "doable", and if not doable at least not that horrid word vintage.

I am here to say, I am sorry you feel this way. I love all weddings, and whatever you decide to do I'm sure it will be gorgeous and lovely. But over a year ago, before it was a sin to say, I fell in love with ~shudder~ milk glass vases. And moreover, I happen to love peonies and garden roses. And wouldn't you know it, I ENJOY doing DIY projects! Yes I am busy, but preparing for my wedding months in advance gives me an outlet of excitement and enjoyment.

So even though this new movement would have me feeling bad that I happen to like a certain style, make me feel that my wedding details are overdone and not fresh, I don't care!

And what's more, not a SINGLE wedding I have ever attended has included but one of the details we are discussing as overused. So while the world of wedding blogs might be totally over the v word, I know my guests, who don't spend their days on style-me-who-must-not-be-named, don't even know such a wedding exists yet!

And with that, I'm heading to the salvation army to pick up some more milk glass.

gratuitous photo of peony bouquet picked by the bear

Where do you stand on the v word?

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