Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lighting up the Night

Long before I started actually planning a wedding, I decided that no matter what I would somehow incorporate fireflies into my nuptials. You see, ever since I was a little girl, one of my favorite things in the entire world has been fireflies. That first night of summer when the fireflies come out and light up the night is simply magical! Unfortunately, my wedding date is a little early for actual fireflies, so I have been on the lookout for other possible ways to get that magical feel.

And then there was Pinterest- the most amazing website EVER (ok, I may be in my obsessed with pinterest mode...) . One of the first pictures that I saw on pinterest was this gorgeous shot, and I thought hmmmmm that kinda looks like fireflies caught in a jar on a warm summers night!

via: vintage rose garden Photo origins unknown

Not only does it look gorgeous, but it looks easy enough to make (and cheap!). Mason jars at 69 cents each, a packet of tissue paper, and a bottle of mod podge and I was off experimenting (Personal photos ahead):

I ripped up the tissue paper and crumpled it a little to give it some dimension
mod podging is SUPER easy- anyone can do it!
and Voila! In about 5 minutes it was complete! I wish I had used more colorful tissue paper like i the inspiration shot, but unfortunately I only had pink lying around (from a baby shower).

I lit this one up with a candle, but I would use a flickering battery operated light to get that firefly effect without worrying about maintaining a real flame.

I do like the way this came out, but I'm not sure if its worth it to make an army of these for the actual wedding. I'd only light these once it is actually dark out, and I know that the sun won't set until later- when everyone is inside the ballroom eating dinner and dancing. Will enough people go out onto the porch to enjoy them? And are they too rustic for the more formal look I am going for? I'm not sure how I feel about them, but I have plenty of time to make up my mind.

Did you have a childhood dream for your wedding that you are trying to make come true?

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