Now to understand this gift, there are a few things about Mr Elk you must know:
1) Mr Elk loves me a lot, but if he had the choice between me and Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones would win EVERY time.

2) he grew up on legos. They were his favorite toy!
3) for some reason, Mr Elk has been on a cufflinks kick. I have NO idea how this one started, seeing as he never wears fancy clothes EVER, but apparently he thinks cuff links are super hip. ( I am totally up on the cool lingo, can't you tell?!) Oh, and he wants our wedding to be like The Great Gatsby, you know, that book he never read! That is another story, though....
So there I was one day, browsing the wedding section of Etsy (because I love me some etsy), and what should I stumble upon but these beauties:

I mean, how much more perfect could it possibly get? But then I started worrying. Mr Elk is notorious for thinking some things are awesome and other things are tacky and ridiculous, and I find it difficult to predict what will be labeled in what category. What if he hated them when he got them on our wedding day? Moreover, you have already learned that I can't keep my mouth shut (remember that whole wedding dress debacle?).
So of course, what did I do? I showed him the freaking cufflinks. And he loves them. Like, LOVES THEM, loves them. He keeps randomly bringing them up and wants them now so he can wear them sooner than our wedding!
So of course, what did I do? I showed him the freaking cufflinks. And he loves them. Like, LOVES THEM, loves them. He keeps randomly bringing them up and wants them now so he can wear them sooner than our wedding!
I guess I did good this time!
Do you ruin surprises too, or are you better at keeping secrets?
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