I mean look at those bright socks and that cute as can be label! Totally swoonworthy. This was immediately placed on my must do list, which resides in the back of my brain somewhere. Anyway, I quickly realized when I started looking around at cute socks, that the bear WOULD NOT wear brightly colored socks, argyle was a no, polkadots were definitely not going to happen. I was beginning to freak out- I didn't want to give him a plain pair of dress socks- that seemed kind of silly.
And then I thought, hmmm, what does the bear like more than anything else in the world (besides me of course!)? The answer was staring me down from the kegerator across the room- the one he built just for his home brewed creations- BEER! And so the search began for beer related socks- and wouldn't you know I found a pair with only one google search behind me.
They aren't the cutest socks- I actually think they are pretty horrible, but I know at least he will love them and think they are cute, and will actually possibly decide to wear them on our wedding day. Anyway, on to the crafts!
I found a piece of white cardstock laying around and cut it into a thick strip. Then I used the tool on the paper cutter used to make indents to fold the paper easier, 2 on either side to make the packaging look more professional.
I then googled "free labels' and came across these pretties

free download from Miss Cutiepie Goes 80
I imported them into powerpoint, my favorite program ever, and added words to the template. I had to do each word separately for "So You Don't Get" because I couldn't figure out how to make the sentence curve.

personal photo
Next I printed off the label, cut it out and pasted it onto my cardstock. I finally stapled the cardstock together in the back to complete the project, and voila!
While I think I achieved the obvious goal, I can't help but sort of dislike the final product. I definitely am going to buy different, thicker ribbon for the top (or maybe get rid of the bow altogether). I also feel like the white cardstock is maybe too brightly white? I don't know- maybe I am just hating on this because I really despise those socks and wish they were fun and brightly colored.
Are you doing a cutesy gift for your fiance for the big day?
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