Do you see the problem? She is having a really hard time raising her arms above her head!! Those straps are surprisingly restricting, making it near impossible to raise your arms above shoulder height. Obviously I don't really care all that much, seeing as I bought the dress, but it does present somewhat of a problem when it comes to one main part of the wedding: The first dance. You see,Mr Elk is about a foot taller than me, and so it is imperative that I be able to actually reach his shoulders, a feat that may not be possible with those straps!
My solution? Four Inch Heels. Now I think its important for you to know that I don't usually wear heels, let alone 4 inch ones. On a daily basis I choose the flattest most comfortable shoes I can find, and so it may seem strange that an extremely high heel was my solution, but there is a reason why it was the solution:
A long time ago I fell in love with the Badgley Mischka Randee, and since that moment they HAD to be the shoes I wear on my wedding day. They were my first big splurge for the wedding, seeing as my shoes usually cost 40 dollars or less (from DSW).
Now, I know this is probably how the story of me falling on my face the day of my wedding begins, but oh well! I have been practicing walking in these babies for a few months now and I am starting to get better. I am also planning on buying these puppies for the reception, so that should help:

Did you solve a wedding problem with an obviously terrible solution? And did you switch into comfy flip flops during your reception even though you couldn't live without an expensive pair of heels?
Woot woot to DSW!!! My heels are high but I plan on flats to get my dance dance on.