Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Making Our Officiant Official (AKA a plea for help!!!)

It took quite a while to decide who would marry us. We knew it wouldn't be anyone affiliated with a religion, as we want a secular ceremony. Once we had made that decision, I completely stopped caring about this (extremely important) detail for months.

Finally, a friend mentioned how awesome it would be if someone we knew married us, since we had no other requirements of our officiant. I realized this would be amazing. We could have a truly personal ceremony, led by someone who has known us our entire relationship.

Thrilled with the idea, I talked it over with Mr. Elk who also seemed excited (though a little apprehensive at first). Mama Elk was a whole other story. For whatever reason, even though Mr Elk and I are mature enough to be GETTING MARRIED, our friends are not mature enough to marry us. Yes, there is no logic in this at all, I understand. Mama Elk really preferred a Justice of the Peace, and even threw out the idea of having one of her best friends marry us (who has never met Mr Elk).

Mr Elk and I were frustrated- we both felt like it was OUR wedding ceremony, and we wanted it to be personal for us, not her. Finally, after numerous arguments and frustrated phone calls, she agreed. And so we have our officiant! Mr J, as he will be forevermore known, is a friend we met at college during our freshman year. He is very personable, a great speaker, and is wholeheartedly excited about this job! He is taking it so seriously that he even wrote an email to our parents introducing himself and asking that they go to him with any concerns/ideas for the ceremony.

And now, my plea for help. Mr J is not licensed to be a wedding officiant. He is trying to go the civil route, but has met a ton of roadblocks. Nobody he has called so far seems to know anything about what this entails. He plans on talking to the town mayor, and the state of NY! Things are really getting out of control, and I hate knowing he is putting in so much effort and hitting so many roadblocks.

Has anyone done this/known someone who has done this? How did they do it? Who did they contact? If you know anything about this, please let me know!!!

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