1. Cake Toppers
While this is probably my favorite cake topper out there, I'm still not having one. It's not that I don't like cake toppers. I think most are adorable, especially with all of the options there are these days. It's more that I don't understand their purpose. Like why is there a little bride and groom on top of a cake? It doesn't make ANY sense to me! Therefore, I don't feel like wasting money/DIY time and energy to have one.
2. Sand Ceremony- While I like the idea behind this ceremony, I just can't get over the nagging feeling that I am a second grader making those sand bears at a birthday party.
3. Line dancing- I always feel like a line dance song comes on, people get excited and start doing it. But then, the song lasts WAY longer than necessary, and people feel like they have to keep doing the dance.....until they just don't want to do it anymore. They lose all enthusiasm! Therefore, there will be no songs played that dictate a very specific dance. (definitely no ChaCha Slide, which I just can't seem to like even though every one does).
4. Something Old, Something New- While I'm sure I'll have one of each of these items at the wedding, I'm not really going out of my way to make sure. I'm not quite sure why exactly I don't care about this tradition, but I'm just not.
5. Bouquet/Garter Belt Toss- This is quite possibly my least favorite tradition of weddings. I can honestly say that I've only been to one wedding (out of 6) where these were done, and it was super awkward- which may be why I don't want to do it myself. I have always just felt like its kind of strange that girls should be fighting over who will be getting married next. It seems to add to that sense of competition that already exists in the minds of women that they should be living the best life out of their friends.
As for the garter belt toss, I also find it super awkward when the groom is like all up in the bride's crotch. I'm just not that open in front of my family. And then, the worst case scenario is ALWAYS that some young kid catches the garter and has to put the garter on some 30 year old woman's leg. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it!

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