Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Deerly Beloved: The Elks model at the beach

So whats a really great idea when its 90 degrees out and everyone around you is in formal wear? If you're answer was "take formal photos in an air conditioned room or the shade" you'd be 100% wrong. Where is the fun in that? Obviously the correct answer is to go to the beach and stand directly in the sun!Photobucket
all photos by Ruby Star Photography

Sure we had a few fainters, but whats health when you have pretty pictures in front of adorable cabanas? (I am just kidding! Nobody fainted, but it was super hot and we were all sweaty and squinty and gross, so we tried to do this quickly!). Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Once our bridal party had been sufficiently tortured photographed, they stepped into some shade to cool down and it was my turn to do a little modeling.  I started off pretty serious, trying to actually look nice: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
But years of watching America's Next Top Model resulted in some awesome Tyra Banks esque moves! For example, the "I am going to discombobulate my body so I am appealing to women in a non sexy way" pose: Photobucket
And here's my version of this past season's newest addition to the strange Tyra Banks lingo- the booty tooch: Photobucket Once I had sufficiently embarrassed myself in front of my photographers, Mr Elk joined me for a few shots, which were going great (besides the squinting): Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
until I decided this was a pretty face: Photobucket
But I'm starting to think it should be my signature pose- I shall call her "Pink Zebra" and pull her out whenever I am being photographed in the future!  And since I just couldn't beat the awesomeness of my new signature pose, we decided to wrap things up and head back out of the sun for some family photos.

Miss a moment? Catch up here:

1. The Elks part ways with their pooch, and eat WAY too much rainbow cookie cake
2. Mrs Elk beautifies with her ladies after a less than stellar wake up call
3. Mrs Elk REALLY wants to put her dress on already!
4. The Elks- Reunited and it feel so good!

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