Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ode To Ikea

Today I want to discuss the amazingness that is Ikea. Of course, I can't talk about Ikea on a wedding site without mentioning probably the most famous of their potentially-wedding-related-products: the Tolsby Frame.

Image by Ruffled Blog

But alas, it is not the Toslby frame that has me singing Ikea's praises at the moment. Instead, it is another frame that has my heart melting:

The UNG DRILL frame. Le Sigh! I don't know when I first noticed this frame popping up quite literally EVERYWHERE, but I know I couldn't stop drooling. And it didn't just pop up in black. No, it was white, gold, blue, red, and every amazingly delicious color in between.

Since I first discovered the beauty of Ms Ung, I knew I had to have her somewhere at my wedding! And it wasn't long before photos of her and other frames like her started popping up as a unique way to display escort cards.

~Drool~ It didn't take me long to run out and buy one for myself. I'm so excited that I am now the proud owner of a newly painted white Ms Ung:

I know she won't let me down paired with my mismatched floral escort cards!

Have you found love at Ikea? What is it you had to have?

PS: if you are a nerd, you may enjoy this song by Jonathon Coultan about Ikea

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