Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Penguins all in a row

I am VERY lucky that Mr Elk and I actually agree on his attire for the wedding. Why am I lucky? Well, I picked my own dress-a dress Mr Elk has expressed to me is not his favorite. But I love it, and let's face it, I am the one who will be wearing it. And so, I decided that it isn't important what he thinks on this decision.

Bearing my decision in mind, I realized that I would be completely and totally hypocritical if Mr Elk decided to wear something that I did not like and I put up a big stink about it. It is his body, and he can wear whatever he feels comfortable in.

Even though I am aware of this rationally, I was still nervous to hear Mr Elk's thoughts on his wedding day look. I was frightened that he would tell me his plans for our black tie optional wedding was to wear khakis and a button down shirt (his daily work uniform), and I would be obviously be cringing inside. Instead, I was shocked by his desires- to look straight out of The Great Gatsby (a book he has never read btw!).

To me, The Great Gatsby look means a certain level of elegance, definitely fancy, and overall timeless. I think this:


via Extra TV

Mr Elk agreed, with one major point of contention. He apparently thinks bowties are stupid (ummm really? Cuz they look pretty hot to me!). Anyway, I may have tried to convince him (in a very futile attempt). Ultimately, we agreed on simple black tuxes sans vest and cummerbund with simple silk black ties for the groosmen. Mr Elk did want to look a little bit different, and we found this tie to give him a little umph without taking away from the simple elegance we were going for :


On sale for 12.95 it is a steal! I was a little nervous about the quality, but I was super impressed with the overall service we received from Ties-neckties.com and plan on purchasing the groosmen's ties from them as well! And with that, a major decision made and two happy Elks!

Did your groom care about his wedding day look more than you anticipated? Were you happy with his desires or did you knock him down and pick his outfit yourself?

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