Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shower Me Not

Hive, I've decided not to have a shower. Why, you may ask, would I not want a bunch of my closest family and friends to surround me and shower me with gifts and good fun? Well, I'd love to explain my reasons.

1) Center Of Attention- I hate being the center of attention. Like, the wedding is kind of scary enough to think about as is, but at least I'll have Mr Elk there to take some of the focus off of me. A shower would just be me, and that doesn't sit well in my stomach.

2) Travels From Afar- a lot of the women who would be invited are not local. They will already be traveling to the area for the wedding, and I just think it is a lot to ask them to come again for a shower.

3) Friends in Small Places- or should I say "friends who are students like me and have no money". I have already asked my nearest and dearest to be in the wedding, which is a huge expense as it is. I really don't want them to feel as though they need to spend more money on gifts for me and travel ( as again, most of them are not in the area).

4)Control Freak- I hate not being in control, and a shower would mean someone else would be planning and doing without me having any say about what was happening. (I know this is dumb, but it is totally true!)

5) Isn't the Wedding Enough?- In the end, Mama Elk/Grandma Elk would be the ones footing the bill (I know, poor etiquette to have a family member host....). As it is, Mama and Papa Elk are footing the bill for the Elk's wedding, and Grandma Elk hasn't been stingy during the planning process, as my wedding dress and invitations were a gift from her. And so, I really just didn't feel right letting them pay for yet another wedding related expense. Would they have been happy to host a shower for me? Definitely. In fact, I had to fight NOT to have a shower. But in the end, I am so grateful for all they are already providing, and I just do not feel right asking for more.

Did you say no to any wedding related events? Why?

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