Today is a really big day!!! No, its not my wedding day- it's my graduation day!
About 4 years ago, I couldn't even imagine this day would ever come, but here I am about to walk across a stage and become a doctor! It is really exciting, and I'm so glad that Mr Elk has been there with me this entire time.
Becoming a real doctor has brought to the forefront a lot of "grown up issues" that Mr Elk and I have needed to consider as we move forward in our lives together. For one, we will be moving to a new city tomorrow, less than a week before our wedding so that I can start my residency in pediatrics. This means that Mr Elk had to sacrifice his cushy job in Syracuse to find something new in our soon-to-be home, Connecticut. I wouldn't say we had to decide who's career was more important, but his sacrifice is something I will always be great-full for, and I understand it was really difficult for him . And just weeks after we start life as a married couple, I will begin my job which means 80+ hour work-weeks for most of our first year of marriage- I know this could put a strain on any marriage, especially a new one.
Moreover, medical school is expensive. I am leaving with just under $200,000 in debt, and Mr Elk will have to help me pay this debt, which apparently on average takes about 10 years to pay off. And once we have finally payed off my debt, and I've completed my training, I will be the primary breadwinner of the household. Now that may not be a big deal, but I understand that some men have wounded egos when their spouse earns more than them. I am not really concerned about this happening with me and Mr Elk (and if it did I'd honestly have to rethink our relationship- we are equal partners, and I do not take well to being considered a lowly woman), but it is definitely something to consider and discuss as we move forward in our relationship and as my career advances.
And of course, the most important issue I have been faced with now that I am officially a doctor, is how we will be introduced at our wedding. I've been teasing Mr Elk for most of our engagement that I refuse to be introduced as anything other than "Mr and Dr Elk". My blood, sweat, and tears earned me that degree and I'm going to use it, damit! I'm not serious about this, as I think our wedding is about us as a couple and not the degree I earned, but its fun to watch him squirm!
Ok, time to get my diploma!
Has your career decision had a major impact on your relationship?
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